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"His Master's Voice" And The Dog That Became A Legend

Many of you probably recognize the image above, or have seen a version of it somewhere. Some of you may even know the original artwork was titled: "His Master's Voice." But only a few may actually know the name of the dog - "Nipper."

A painter by the name of Francis Barraud originally depicted Nipper after he saw him listening to a recording of his master's voice. And after being used in a Victrola advertisement (and many other brands and products that followed), Nipper became an icon of the audio world.

Nipper has also become something of an unofficial mascot here at ADS Recording, and over the years our office has collected myriad versions of this audio idol. Everything from printed ads and reproductions, to sculptures and figurines. There are even many hidden Nippers in the pictures throughout our website (can anyone find them all?). We even have a framed illustrated explanation of the history of Nipper (see below). Although is it just us, or does Nipper look a little leaner in this version?